Lightcode Activation to Remind You of Who You Are so You May Step into Your Authenticity

“To be authentic, we must cultivate the courage to be imperfect — and vulnerable. We have to believe that we are fundamentally worthy of love and acceptance, just as we are. I’ve learned that there is no better way to invite more grace, gratitude and joy into our lives than by mindfully practicing authenticity.’

Brené Brown

Being authentic is about being present in the moment, to have the confidence and conviction to stay true to who you are.

Authenticity is defined as: “not false or copied; genuine; real; representing one’s true nature or beliefs; true to oneself or to the person identified.”

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath to the capacity of your lungs and hold for a few seconds before you slowly exhale. Repeat the breathing a few times. Then you feel ready, gently open your eyes and allow them to rest gently on the mandala. Allow your eyes to scan over the writing (gold squiggles). Don’t try to analyse or translate. Just be like a sponge and allow the activation to move and do what it needs to do.

#lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #lightactivation #lightlanguagecodes #lightcodes #archangelariel #angels #angelicbeings #authenticity #authenticself #authentic #confident #conviction #true #truetoself #genuine #real

Lightcodes to Assist with Restful Sleep

During sleep, most of the body’s systems are in an anabolic state, helping to restore the immune, nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems; these are vital processes that maintain mood, memory, and cognitive function, and play a large role in the function of the endocrine and immune systems.

Some people find it hard to fall asleep or to get enough sleep. This activation is designed to help you to have a deep and restful sleep.

Before going to bed: Close your eyes. Take a deep breath to the capacity of your lungs and hold for a few seconds before you slowly exhale. Repeat the breathing a few times. Then you feel ready, gently open your eyes and allow them to scan over the writing (gold squiggles). Don’t try to analyse or translate. Just be like a sponge and allow the activation to move and do what it needs to do. Scan the writing until you feel you have done enough.

#lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #lightactivation #lightlanguagecodes #lightcodes #archangelariel #angels #angelicbeings #sleep #deepsleep #restfulsleep #rem #nrem #immunesystem #mood #endocrinesystem #cognitivefunction

Personalised Numerology, Soul Plan and Lightcodes Activation

The star and small circle in the centre are the Soul Plan Energies.

Around the central circle are petaled rings for the Life Path, Birthday Number, Expression, Hearts Desire, and Personality.

Top left the Karmic Dept, top right the Karmic Lessons, bottom left the Challenges, bottom right the Pinnacles, and right at the bottom the Life Path Periods.

The personal Soul Plan and Numerology Activations will be printed on a metallic substrate.

#lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #lightactivation #lightlanguagecodes #lightcodes #archangelariel #angels #angelicbeings #soulplan #soulplanreading #numerology #numerologychart #personalactivation

Lightcodes to Synchronising the Head and Heart

While in this state of complete surrender to the present, NOW, I wrote the Light Codes to transmit this to everyone who worry about the past or the future. Allow yourself to surrender to the NOW. All is well in your world.

To use the activation close your eyes. Take three inhalations and exhalations. Gently open your eyes and allow them to scan over the writing. Don’t try to analyse or translate. Just be like a sponge and allow the activation to move and do what it needs to do.

#lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #lightactivation #lightlanguagecodes #lightcodes #archangelariel #angels #angelicbeings #peace #tranquility #calm #surrender #now

Lightcodes for Tranquility and Peace

As I sat listening to the birds and feeling the cool air on my skin I felt a deep sense of tranquility, peace and calm. A complete surrender to the present moment. I felt how the present moment washed away the past and how the present moment opened up to the future.

While in this state of complete surrender to the present, NOW, I wrote the Light Codes to transmit this to everyone who worry about the past or the future. Allow yourself to surrender to the NOW. All is well in your world.

To use the activation close your eyes. Take three inhalations and exhalations. Gently open your eyes and allow them to scan over the writing. Don’t try to analyse or translate. Just be like a sponge and allow the activation to move and do what it needs to do.

#lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #lightactivation #lightlanguagecodes #lightcodes #archangelariel #angels #angelicbeings #peace #tranquility #calm #surrender #now

Lightcodes for Serenity

This morning as I was driving and @deleriumbandofficial ”Serenity” started playing I looked up and saw this beautiful peach cloud between the grey clouds. Of course one cannot stop in the middle of the highway in peak hour traffic to take a picture.
So I allowed the image to burn into my mind and I tried to recreate the moment.

I hope Delerium won’t sue me for recreating this moment. 🤭

#lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #lightactivation #lightlanguagecodes #lightcodes #archangelariel #angels #angelicbeings #serenity #delirium

Lightcodes to Help Release Fears and Sadness

Open up to the great unknown.

We see life through our filters of past experiences and traumas. We judge situations and people based on past experiences. Release the past… open up the the mystery of the great unknown. Become an explorer again with no expectation or judgement.

To use the activation close your eyes. Take three inhalations and exhalations. Gently open your eyes and allow them to scan over the writing. Don’t try to analyse or translate. Just be like a sponge and allow the activation to move and do what it needs to do.

#lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #lightactivation #lightlanguagecodes #lightcodes #archangelariel #angels #angelicbeings #sadness #fear #trauma #unknown #mystery

Lightcodes to Activate the Frequencies of Joy

Soak up the frequencies of joy, love, bliss, freedom, love and empowerment.

To use the activation close your eyes. Take three inhalations and exhalations. Gently open your eyes and allow them to scan over the writing. Don’t try to analyse or translate. Just be like a sponge and allow the activation to move and do what it needs to do.

#lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #lightactivation #lightlanguagecodes #lightcodes #archangelariel #angels #angelicbeings #freedom #empowerment #happiness #bliss #joy

Go With The Flow

A reminder to go with the flow. Surrender to the mystery of not knowing. Be excited as thing unfolds and explore your NOW reality as it reveals itself.

To use the activation close your eyes. Take three inhalations and exhalations. Gently open your eyes and allow them to scan over the writing. Don’t try to analyse or translate. Just be like a sponge and allow the activation to move and do what it needs to do.

#lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #lightactivation #lightlanguagecodes #lightcodes #archangelariel #angels #angelicbeings #angeliccommunication #higherguidance #higherconsciousness #gowiththeflow #now #mystery #unfolding