Remote Healing and Readings 𓁼

Remote Healing is a good way to have healing modalities available even if you live far from any practitioner. Or perhaps you prefer to work with on facilitator but cannot get to him or her.

Remote Healing works on the principles of Quantum Physics. The practitioner and client forms a Quantum Entanglement. The facilitator holds the frequency while working and the client goes into resonance with the facilitator, thereby allowing the client to step into a space of greater wellness.

New service available —Group Healing Subscriptions

In an effort to help as many clients as possible I have been guided by Spirit to start a Healing Subscription. Find out more about the Energy Healing Subscriptions.

Energy Healing Modalities

Aura Healing for the body, mind, emotions and soul.
  • Aura Healing is an energy healing way that focus on healing, clearing and strengthening the energetic field in and around the physical body. Etheric damage like tears, blockages and leaks are removed and cleared from the auric field. Chakra repair and balancing also form part of this healing way.
    • 60 min — $111
    • 90 min — $222
    • 120 min — $333
    • Aura Healing is performed offline at the scheduled time. You may choose to sit/lie and meditate, or even take a nap. Some clients continue with their daily routine. On completion of the work I send feedback in the form or a voicenote (10-30 minutes) along with relevant images/photos.

Release and heal Cords containing energetic dialogues that no longer serve.
  • Cord Cutting is performed to cut, clear, release and heal negative patterns playing out between you and the people you have significant relationships with. Cords of attachment are connected to your aura and the aura of the person you are connected to and you are exposed to these negative patterns 24/7. They affect you subconsciously and may drain your energy.
    • 60 min (with one person) — $111
    • 90 min (with two people) — $222
    • Cord Cutting is performed offline at the scheduled time. You may choose to sit/lie and meditate, or even take a nap. Some clients continue with their daily routine. On completion of the work I send feedback in the form or a voicenote (10-30 minutes) along with relevant images/photos.

Cleanse, clear, balance and heal Chakras.
  • Chakra Balance is deep dive into each of the chakras and involves psychically scanning and checking each of the major chakras and some minor chakras. Each chakra is then repaired, cleared and balanced.
    • 60 min — $111
    • Chakra Balances are performed offline at the scheduled time. You may choose to sit/lie and meditate, or even take a nap. Some clients continue with their daily routine. On completion of the work I send feedback in the form or a voicenote (10-30 minutes) along with relevant images/photos.

Restore balance and enhance stability with crystals — love from the Earth.
  • Crystal Healing is an alternative medicine technique that employs stones and crystals as healing tools. The practitioner places crystals on different parts of the body — or in the case of remote healing on a life-size chart of the human body — often corresponding to the chakras, or places crystals around the body to construct an energy grid to surround the client with healing energy.
    • 60 min — $111
    • 90 min — $222
    • 120 min — $333
  • Also see: Crystal Healing
    • Crystal Healing is performed offline at the scheduled time. You may choose to sit/lie and meditate, or even take a nap. Some clients continue with their daily routine. On completion of the work I send feedback in the form or a voicenote (10-30 minutes) along with relevant images/photos.
    • For deeper sessions, a Zoom call may be required — decided/discussed in advance.

Step into your true and full potential — Activate your DNA.
  • DNA Activation (22 Strand-) (Metaphysical modality) clears the energetic blockages keeping you from you breaking old patterns so you can be who you want to be. Through this modality, you may experience a higher attunement to Spirit — spiritual growth and self-transformation may be accelerated as a result.
    • 120 min — $333
    • DNA Activation is performed offline at the scheduled time. You may choose to sit/lie and meditate, or even take a nap. Some clients continue with their daily routine. On completion of the work I send feedback in the form or a voicenote (20-50 minutes) along with relevant images/photos.

Clear ancestral stories that no longer serve with Epigenetics.
  • Epigenetics (DNA Healing) (Kinesiopractic modality) consists of 31 programmes / protocols designed to work specifically on the 13 helices of the DNA. The practitioner tests through the protocols to see what is needed for the client at the time and for the intention.
    • 60 min — $111
    • 90 min — $222
    • 120 min — $333
    • Epigenetics is performed offline at the scheduled time. You may choose to sit/lie and meditate, or even take a nap. Some clients continue with their daily routine. On completion of the work I send feedback in the form or a voicenote (10-30 minutes) along with relevant images/photos.

Return to a state of harmony and balance with Kinesiopractic.
  • Kinesiopractic (Applied/Specialised Kinesiology) is a non-invasive treatment that evaluates and balances an individual’s structural, chemical and mental health through a variety of therapeutic techniques, including nutritional, counseling, joint/muscle manipulation, acupressure, and exercise. Evaluations are done by manual muscle monitoring (muscle testing). For remote balances I use a pendulum instead of muscle testing.
    • 60 min — $111
    • 90 min — $222
    • 120 min — $333
    • Kinesiopractic can be performed offline or online via Zoom.
    • Offline sessions are performed at the scheduled time. You may choose to sit/lie and meditate, or even take a nap. Some clients continue with their daily routine. On completion of the work I send feedback and instructions in the form or a voicenote (30-40 minutes) along with a PDF and relevant images/photos.
    • Zoom sessions are not recorded and client’s participate during the healing session.

Discover deeper levels to your energetic blueprint, learn to navigate your Light Body.
  • Lightbody Activation is a combination of energy healing protocols, pendulum healing protocols, Lightcodes and Light Language that evaluates and balances an individual’s Light Body structure and development. It is not possible to activate the entire Light Body in a single session, so a few sessions would be required.
    • 60 min — $111
    • 90 min — $222
    • 120 min — $333
    • Lightbody Activation is performed offline at the scheduled time. You may choose to sit/lie and meditate, or even take a nap. Some clients continue with their daily routine. On completion of the work I send feedback in the form or a voicenote (10-50 minutes) along with relevant images/photos.

Universal Pendulums are incredibly powerful specialised pendulums designed for healing.
  • Pendulum Healing is a non-invasive healing modality making use of a range of specialised pendulums to stimulate healing in oneself and others.
    • 60 min — $111
    • Pendulum Healing is performed offline at the scheduled time. You may choose to sit/lie and meditate, or even take a nap. Some clients continue with their daily routine. On completion of the work I send feedback in the form or a voicenote (10-20 minutes) along with relevant images/photos.

Let a flow of energy wash away heavy and dense energies.
  • Reiki Ryoho is a non-invasive energy healing modality originating from Japan. Clients remain fully clothed and are covered with a blanket or a sheet. The treatment involves placing hands on the client and allowing the Universal Life energy to flow through to the client.
    • 60 min — $111
    • 90 min — $222
    • 120 min — $333
    • Reiki Ryoho is performed offline at the scheduled time. You may choose to sit/lie and meditate, or even take a nap. Some clients continue with their daily routine. On completion of the work I send feedback in the form or a voicenote (10-20 minutes) along with relevant images/photos.

Release blocks, patterns and beliefs in a gentle and graceful way with Soul Transformation Therapy.
  • Soul Transformation Therapy, also known as STT is a ‘Pause, Look, Breathe, Take a Leap, and Yes, you can do it!’ kind of treatment. It has the power to change one’s perspective and life choices. It is the perfect treatment for those who are ready to experience transformation at a very deep level. Learn more about STT.
    • 60 min — $111
    • 90 min — $222
    • Soul Transformation Therapy is performed online via Zoom.
    • Zoom sessions are not recorded and client’s participate during the healing session.

Experience a different energy frequency with Tachyon Tools.
  • Tachyon Attunement is a non-invasive energy healing modality. Tachyon tools are placed on and around the body to clear and energise the auric field. Tachyon tools are manufactured in Germany and energised in a zero-point machine.
    • 60 min — $111
    • 90 min — $222
    • 120 min — $333
  • Also see: What are Tachyons? | Tachyon Attunements | Tachyon Pendants / Tachyon Tools
    • Tachyon Attunements are performed offline at the scheduled time. You may choose to sit/lie and meditate, or even take a nap. Some clients continue with their daily routine. On completion of the work I send feedback in the form or a voicenote (20-40 minutes) along with relevant images/photos.

Readings and Guidance

Gain understanding and insight into your life and purpose with Soul Plan.
  • Soul Plan Reading [90 – 120 minutes] Your birth name has hidden within it your life’s blueprint, the life’s journey your soul intended. This plan brings with it a unique combination of challenges and talents that we must conquer and embrace to reach our soul destiny. Learn more about Soul Plan.
    • Full Reading — $333
    • Name Change Reading — starting at $111 (3 names, add $20/additional name)
    • Name Optimisation Reading — starting at $111 (3 names, add $20/additional name)
    • Relationship Reading — starting at $111 (3 names, add $20/additional name)
    • Business Name Reading — starting at $111 (3 names, add $20/additional business name)
    • Website URL Reading — starting at $111 (3 names, add $20/additional URL)
    • Soul Plan Readings are performed online via Zoom at the scheduled time. The session is recorded and shared, but it is recommended that you make personal notes during the reading as there is a lot of information and personal notes make it easier to find the information in the recording.

Natural Health

Let medicine be your food, and let food be your medicine.
  • Herbalism is a traditional medicinal practice based on the use of plants and plant extracts. Consultations can be done over the phone or via online video.
    • 60 min — $111
    • 90 min — $222
    • 120 min — $333
    • Herbalism Consultations are performed online via Zoom at the scheduled time. Sessions are not recorded, so it is recommended that you make detailed notes.
    • Note, that the consultation does not include any herbs or alternative medicines. You will be guided on what herbs, supplements and other alternative approaches to use for your ailment/s, and you will be guided on how to prepare/use them.

Home and Office

Energetically release and clear dense, stuck, energies in your home or office.
  • Energetic Space Clearing — Arguments, upsets, illness, traumas and other unsettling energies or unwanted entities can linger and disturb the harmonious balance of your home or office. Space clearing removes, clears and heals these low frequency energies, bringing into the space high frequency and harmonious energies.
    • 60 min — $111
    • 90 min — $222
    • 120 min — $333
    • Energetic Space Clearing is performed offline at the scheduled time. I would require a floorplan of the building/space (architectural or hand-drawn). You may continue with your daily routine. On completion of the work I send feedback in the form or a voicenote (20-40 minutes) along with relevant images/photos.

Harmonise and balance Geopathic Stress in your home or office.
  • Geopathic Stress Release involves locating and balancing geopathic and electromagnetic stresses in and around the house. Examples of stresses are ley lines, fault lines, heartmann vortex points, curry net vortex points, water veins, wifi hot routers, television sets, microwave ovens, computers, etc.
    • 60 min — $111 (Geopathic Stress Release tools/products/cures sold separately)
    • 90 min — $222 (Geopathic Stress Release tools/products/cures sold separately)
    • 120 min — $333 (Geopathic Stress Release tools/products/cures sold separately)
    • Energetic Space Clearing is performed offline at the scheduled time. I would require a floorplan of the building/space (architectural or hand-drawn with accurate measurements, including directional markers). You may continue with your daily routine. On completion of the work I send feedback in the form or a voicenote (20-40 minutes) along with relevant images/photos.
    • Please note that in order to correct Geopathic Stress objects/tools are required to be placed in very specific locations. These tools are sold separately. I will give you various options and instructions for installation.

Shamanic Work

Celestial Shamanism brings you back to your roots, back to the stars, back to wholness.
  • Celestial Shamanic Healing can be defined as a set of traditional and modern beliefs, rituals and practices that address the physical, spiritual, psychological and social needs of the people who use it.
    • 60 min — $111
    • 90 min — $222
    • 120 min — $333
    • Shamanic Healing is performed offline at the scheduled time. You may choose to sit/lie and meditate, or even take a nap. Some clients continue with their daily routine. On completion of the work I send feedback in the form or a voicenote (20-40 minutes) along with relevant images/photos.

Note about Offline Appointments 𓁿

Most Energetic Recalibration (Energy Healing) sessions are done offline at the appointed time and I ask that clients sit/lie and meditate or even take a nap during that time. This means that you could schedule an Energetic Recalibration even if you are in a different time-zone to me. If you have to continue with life/work, you may do so and the energy work will be just as effective. After the session I send you a voicenote*, via WhatsApp, Telegram or email, along with supporting documents, photos and/or images.

Some appointments are done via Zoom and you can connect via your computer, digital device or phone and for these you have to be online at the appointed time.

* Voicenotes can be transcribed via an online tool like Otter and then translated with Google Translate.

Schedule your Appointment