Remote Healing Chart — Take The Guessing Out Of The Work

Visit the Starseed Lightcodes Pixels Shop, or if you are in South Africa contact me directly.

Four Chart Options to Choose From

There are four charts to choose from:


Lite Version

The Lite version of the chart is best suited for beginners, or energy healing practitioners who do not want to get bogged down by too many options. The chart shows what is needed most.

Aura healers, crystal healers, tachyon practitioners, pendulum healers, reiki practitioners, quantum touch practitioners, etc.

Buy the Lite version (do I choose left or right?):

  • If you prefer to stand to the client’s right, select the Right Chart.
  • If you prefer to stand to the client’s left, select the Left Chart.
  • Still not sure which version to buy? Contact me directly and let’s discuss the various options.
The Lite Version shows the chakras, angles, archangels, colours, nine bodies, dimensions, antahkarana, seven rays, chakra structure, timeline, and dowsing chart.


Standard Version

The Standard version is more suited to the intermediate or advanced energy healers, especially multi-modality practitioners.

Kinesiopractors, advanced aura healers, crystal healers, tachyon practitioners, pendulum healers, reiki practitioners, quantum touch practitioners, etc.

Youtube video available outlining the features of this chart.

Buy the Standard version (do I choose left or right?):

  • If you prefer to stand to the client’s right, select the Right Chart.
  • If you prefer to stand to the client’s left, select the Left Chart.
  • Still not sure which version to buy? Contact me directly and let’s discuss the various options.
The Standard Version shows: the chakras, meridian beginning and end points, alarm points, NL’s, NE’s, NV’s, VR’s, pulse points, generations, DNA and chromosomes, antahkarana, healing list, entities list, archangels, frequency scales, colours, timeline, nine bodies, dimensions, seven rays, angles, chakra dowsing chart, dowsing chart, and radionics.


Radiestesia Version

The Radiestesia version is more suited to the intermediate or advanced energy healers, especially multi-modality practitioners, especially useful for pendulum healers. The Radiestesia information is found under the Radionics Section (image below: Bottom Right).

Kinesiopractors, advanced aura healers, crystal healers, tachyon practitioners, pendulum healers, reiki practitioners, quantum touch practitioners, etc.

The Chakra Dowsing chart from the Standard Version is replaced with the Radiestesia information.

Buy the Radiestesia version (do I choose left or right?):

  • If you prefer to stand to the client’s right, select the Right Chart.
  • If you prefer to stand to the client’s left, select the Left Chart.
  • Still not sure which version to buy? Contact me directly and let’s discuss the various options.
The Radiestesia Version shows: the chakras, meridian beginning and end points, alarm points, NL’s, NE’s, NV’s, VR’s, pulse points, generations, DNA and chromosomes, antahkarana, healing list, entities list, archangels, frequency scales, colours, timeline, nine bodies, dimensions, seven rays, angles, dowsing chart, radionics, and radiestesia list.


Emotion Version

The Emotional Version is meant for intermediate to advanced energy healers, especially useful for multi-modality practitioners and Kinesiopractors who deal with emotions. The Emotions are listed above the Radionics Section (image below: Top Right).

Kinesiopractors, advanced aura healers, crystal healers, tachyon practitioners, pendulum healers, reiki practitioners, quantum touch practitioners, etc.

The Chakra Dowsing chart from the Standard Version is replaced with the Emotion List.

Buy the Emotion version (do I choose left or right?):

  • If you prefer to stand to the client’s right, select the Right Chart.
  • If you prefer to stand to the client’s left, select the Left Chart.
  • Still not sure which version to buy? Contact me directly and let’s discuss the various options.
The Radiestesia Version shows: the chakras, meridian beginning and end points, alarm points, NL’s, NE’s, NV’s, VR’s, pulse points, generations, DNA and chromosomes, antahkarana, healing list, entities list, archangels, frequency scales, colours, timeline, nine bodies, dimensions, seven rays, angles, dowsing chart, radionics, emotions list, and related aspects of life list.

The Story of Bob

In 2010, I developed the Remote Healing Chart in response to the growing number of international clients seeking my healing services. Initially, it was a simple outline of a body, but I soon added the chakras to enhance its effectiveness. As I continued to work with the chart, I realized that certain features would greatly improve its functionality, prompting me to make regular updates.

The original chart was initially sized as A3, but it had to be expanded to A2 due to its increasing complexity. Eventually, it was further enlarged to match the size of my therapy bed, which allowed for a nearly life-size client representation to be used during remote healing sessions. 

Originally black and white, the chart evolved into grayscale to allow for better differentiation. Eventually, I introduced color to further enhance its visual appeal. What started as a laminated paper chart eventually transformed into a portable and durable full-color canvas print.

Affectionately named “Bob,” the chart became an indispensable tool in my work. During the worldwide Covid lockdowns in 2020, I began showcasing Bob on social media, which led to numerous requests for copies of the chart. The rest, as they say, is history. 

You have the option to buy a copy of the Remote Healing chart online at the following websites: or

Remote Healing Chart Features

  • PDF reference manual as a download available for each chart.
  • Choose between the Left or Right Charts available — If you prefer to position yourself on the client’s right side while working, opt for the Right chart. If you prefer to position yourself on the client’s left side while working, opt for the Left chart.
  • Djwal Khul’s Soul/Monad Mantra included as a reminder to invoke the essence of our Soul and Higher Self, as well as our Monad and Godly Presence into the work.
  • Dowsing charts to test colours, frequencies, percentages, chakras and number values.
  • Lists for required healing and entities. These lists are compiled based on my personal experience with healing over the last 30+ years. I will expand on techniques and entities in future training. In the mean time this section can be used intuitively or with your current skills as a remote healer.
  • The Major and Minor Chakras are depicted to make it easier to interact with these points. References are included for correlation with the Seven Rays and Archangels.
  • Seven Rays chart that can be used as a reference or a healing tool.
  • Colours can be used to test colour frequencies in various parts of the chart and also to infuse a particular colour into a selected part of the chart.
  • Nine levels or layers of the body system.
  • Dimensions
  • Reference to the spinal vertebrae can be used as a way to locate the exact part of the spine or as a way to send healing to a particular vertebra.
  • Applied Kinesiology / Chinese Medicine Reflex Points for the Alarm Points (Mu Points), Meridian beginning and end Points, Neuro-Emotional Reflex Points (NEs), Neuro-Lymphatic Reflex Points (NLs), Neuro-Vascular Reflex Points (NVs), Spinal / Vertebral Reflex Points (SRs / VRs), Eye modes and Pulse points are included to streamline your Kinesiopractic work. If you do not have the Kinesiopractic background, then these reflexed can be used intuitively.
  • Section for working with DNA and Chromosomes.
  • Generational Healing chart is included for dowsing and healing generational aspects.
  • Frequency Scale and Contrary Motion Frequency Scale charts for influencing the frequencies within points or areas in the chart.
  • The Radionics section give an area dedicated to Base 10 Radionics. If you have background in Radionics this section becomes a virtual Radionics device. If you do not have background in Radionics, this section can be ignored or used intuitively.
  • Timeline scale for working fluidly with time during your healing work.

About Pixels and Fine Arts America

Pixels and Fine Arts America has the largest print-on-demand fulfilment network in the world. They work with 16 third-party manufacturing centres located in 5 countries. Each manufacturing centre can ship products to any destination in the world. When you place an order, they will automatically route your order to the nearest manufacturing centre in order to minimise shipping costs and speed up delivery times.

If you live in South Africa you may contact me directly and we can organise you the chart at an even better rate. I work with a local printer and courier company to make the work even more affordable.

If you have already purchased a Remote Healing Chart from the Pixels website, please get in touch with me and provide proof of purchase. I have created a manual that serves as a helpful guide for understanding each of the references on the poster. It’s important to note that this manual is not a healing course. However, a healing course will be available in the future. In the meantime, if you are interested in training, please inform me so that we can arrange personalised one-on-one training sessions.

Visit the Starseed Lightcodes Pixels Shop, or if you are in South Africa contact me directly.


Do I choose Left or Right?

This is all about preference. Do you usually stand on your client’s right-hand side or left-hand side?

If you stand on the client’s right-hand side with the client’s feet to your right, then select the Right Charts as this will give you the best workflows. This is also a great option for right-handed practitioners, because the main dowsing chart is on the left.

If you stand on the client’s left-hand side with the client’s feet to your left, then select the Left Charts as this will give you the best workflows. This is also a great option for left-handed practitioners, because the main dowsing chart is on the left.
