
Mên-an-Tol is supposed to have a fairy or piskie guardian who can make miraculous cures. In one story, a changeling baby was put through the stone in order for the mother to get the real child back. Evil piskies had changed her child, and the ancient stones were able to reverse their evil spell.[7]
Local legend claims that if at full moon a woman passes through the holed stone seven times backwards, she will soon become pregnant. Another legend is that passage through the stone will cure a child of rickets (osteomalacia). For centuries, children with rickets were passed naked through the hole in the middle stone nine times.


To use this Lightcode Activation, start by closing your eyes… Take a deep breath to the capacity of your lungs and hold for a few seconds before you slowly exhale… Repeat the breathing a few times… When you feel ready, gently open your eyes and allow them to rest lightly on the image and the writing. Allow your eyes to scan over the patterns and colours. Don’t try to analyse or translate… Just be like a sponge and allow the activation to move and do what it needs to do… Repeat this process as often as you like.
#lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #lightactivation #lightlanguagecodes #lightcodes #archangelariel #angels #angelicbeings
A lot of love and time goes into the channeling and creation of the Lightcodes. I distribute them freely, but should you feel moved to do so, donations are welcome at https://paypal.me/markcq.

Personalised Lightcode Activations

Soul Plan meets Numerology meets Lightcode Activation.
The star and small circle in the centre are the Soul Plan Energies.
Around the central circle are petaled rings for the Life Path, Birthday Number, Expression, Hearts Desire, and Personality.
Top left the Karmic Dept, top right the Karmic Lessons, bottom left the Challenges, bottom right the Pinnacles, and right at the bottom the Life Path Periods.
A Soul Plan Reading can give you insight into why your Soul chose to incarnate in this lifetime. You discover your talents, goals and challenges as well as your Soul’s Destiny in this life.
#lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #lightactivation #lightlanguagecodes #lightcodes #archangelariel #angels #angelicbeings #soulplan #soulplanreading #numerology #numerologychart #personalactivation #adobeillustrator

Integrate Your Multidimensionality

Every layer reveals another layer of your self. We come into existence on many levels, layers and dimensions, but we are not always aware of these parallel aspects and lives. Use this Lightcode Activation to integrate more of your levels and layers.
To use this Lightcode Activation, start by closing your eyes… Take a deep breath to the capacity of your lungs and hold for a few seconds before you slowly exhale… Repeat the breathing a few times… When you feel ready, gently open your eyes and allow them to rest lightly on the mandala. Allow your eyes to scan over the patterns and colours. Don’t try to analyse or translate… Just be like a sponge and allow the activation to move and do what it needs to do… Repeat this process as often as you like.
#lightcodes #lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivations #lightcodeactivations #archangelariel #angelicmessage #angelicguidance #higherconsciousness #dimensions #multidimension #multidimensional .
A lot of love and time goes into the channeling and creation of the Lightcodes. I distribute them freely, but should you feel moved to do so, donations are welcome at https://paypal.me/markcq.

Greater Perception

Every story has as many sides as the number of people involved… plus one… there is no absolute truth even if a fundamental truth exists. The fact is that our perception is coloured with the filters or lenses through which we perceive life. The filters/lenses come in the form of past experiences and “truths”, things we were taught — directly or indirectly. We act and react to situations based on these past “truths”.
Being able to perceive and understand an issue through different perspectives can help resolve conflict. We live in a world of assumptions. We somehow believe that others understand us rather than communicating with them. Complications in communications lead to misunderstandings and hides the actual truth.
This activation highlights your filters and lenses and allows you to start seeing things from a different perspective. It allows you to look clearly at your life and see where you are holding back when you should be sharing instead.
To use this Lightcode Activation, start by closing your eyes… Take a deep breath to the capacity of your lungs and hold for a few seconds before you slowly exhale… Repeat the breathing a few times… When you feel ready, gently open your eyes and allow them to rest lightly on the mandala. Allow your eyes to scan over the patterns and colours. Don’t try to analyse or translate… Just be like a sponge and allow the activation to move and do what it needs to do… Repeat this process as often as you like.
#lightcodes #lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivations #lightcodeactivations #archangelariel #angelicmessage #angelicguidance #higherconsciousness #perception #truth #pasttruth #conflict #conflictresolution #communication #misunderstanding #understanding #action #reaction .
A lot of love and time goes into the channeling and creation of the Lightcodes. I distribute them freely, but should you feel moved to do so, donations are welcome at https://paypal.me/markcq.

Manifesting with Focus and Intent

Release the blocks standing in your way of manifesting what it is that you want in your life. Remember how too manifest with grace and ease. .
To use this Lightcode Activation, start by closing your eyes… Take a deep breath to the capacity of your lungs and hold for a few seconds before you slowly exhale… Repeat the breathing a few times… When you feel ready, gently open your eyes and allow them to rest lightly on the mandala. Allow your eyes to scan over the patterns and colours. Don’t try to analyse or translate… Just be like a sponge and allow the activation to move and do what it needs to do… Repeat this process as often as you like.
Alternatively you may choose to look at an image of something you would like to manifest. Then follow the instructions above. Come back to the image of what you would like to manifest and allow the image to easily and gently flow into your vision.
#lightcodes #lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivations #lightcodeactivations #archangelariel #angelicmessage #angelicguidance #higherconsciousness #manifestation #manifest #manifesting #focus #intent #intention #adobeillustrator #adobephotoshop .
A lot of love and time goes into the channeling and creation of the Lightcodes. I distribute them freely, but should you feel moved to do so, donations are welcome at https://paypal.me/markcq.