Lightcodes to Help Release Fears and Sadness

Open up to the great unknown.

We see life through our filters of past experiences and traumas. We judge situations and people based on past experiences. Release the past… open up the the mystery of the great unknown. Become an explorer again with no expectation or judgement.

To use the activation close your eyes. Take three inhalations and exhalations. Gently open your eyes and allow them to scan over the writing. Don’t try to analyse or translate. Just be like a sponge and allow the activation to move and do what it needs to do.

#lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #lightactivation #lightlanguagecodes #lightcodes #archangelariel #angels #angelicbeings #sadness #fear #trauma #unknown #mystery

Go With The Flow

A reminder to go with the flow. Surrender to the mystery of not knowing. Be excited as thing unfolds and explore your NOW reality as it reveals itself.

To use the activation close your eyes. Take three inhalations and exhalations. Gently open your eyes and allow them to scan over the writing. Don’t try to analyse or translate. Just be like a sponge and allow the activation to move and do what it needs to do.

#lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #lightactivation #lightlanguagecodes #lightcodes #archangelariel #angels #angelicbeings #angeliccommunication #higherguidance #higherconsciousness #gowiththeflow #now #mystery #unfolding