Go With The Flow

A reminder to go with the flow. Surrender to the mystery of not knowing. Be excited as thing unfolds and explore your NOW reality as it reveals itself.

To use the activation close your eyes. Take three inhalations and exhalations. Gently open your eyes and allow them to scan over the writing. Donโ€™t try to analyse or translate. Just be like a sponge and allow the activation to move and do what it needs to do.

#lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #lightactivation #lightlanguagecodes #lightcodes #archangelariel #angels #angelicbeings #angeliccommunication #higherguidance #higherconsciousness #gowiththeflow #now #mystery #unfolding

Lightcodes to Activate the Light Body

Awakening the Light Body allows you to experience higher states of awareness and consciousness. This activation serves to gently wake your Light Body. This activation is not a full activation, but more like a reminder that you have a Light Body that has been lying dormant for a long time.

As you engage with the Light Codes Activation your Light Body is stirred.

I will be working on activations for each of the Light Body Centres. These Activations will be a combination of video, images, meditations, etc. so you may fully engage with the Light Body Centres.

Itโ€™s time to wake upโ€ฆ a new world is coming.

To use the activation close your eyes. Take three inhalations and exhalations. Gently open your eyes and allow them to scan over the writing. Donโ€™t try to analyse or translate. Just be like a sponge and allow the activation to move and do what it needs to do.

#lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #lightactivation #lightlanguagecodes #lightcodes #archangelariel #angels #angelicbeings #angeliccommunication #higherguidance #higherconsciousness #lightbody #lightbodycentres

Lightcodes to Activate the Rosy Cross

I was a little hesitant to call this Activation the Rosy Cross, but my guides where adamant that it was to be called the Rosy Cross. This Activation balances the four quadrants of the brain (Right / Left + Visual / Auditory). On another level it bridges the gap between head and heart, allowing us to be more fully present in the heart space.

makushi kaya ini ka tu raโ€™ah da rukashi wa aka ina
taโ€™ara kana na ahโ€™ina ah kashi no oโ€™ah tukurashna bawa
tuโ€™uru uโ€™ahshin kuโ€™uku ina ka ya ba anaruashka ka ya ah
wa shuni ka ina aka di rinikiashna ara ka ana ruโ€™uka
Shaโ€™aka kaโ€™shana shaโ€™kuโ€™aโ€™ha

To use the activation close your eyes. Take three inhalations and exhalations. Gently open your eyes and allow them to scan over the writing. Donโ€™t try to analyse or translate. Just be like a sponge and allow the activation to move and do what it needs to do. Then switch to the mandala without writing and simply stare into the centre.

#lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #lightlanguagecodes #lightcodes #archangelariel #angelicbeings#angeliccommunication #higherguidance #higherconsciousness#heartmind #rightbrain #leftbrain #visualbrain #auditorybrain #rosycross

Lightcodes to Activate Communication with Higher Consciousness

Do you want to communicate with Extraterrestrials or Angelic Beings? Perhaps you already do, but you want to deepen that connection. Today I asked if we could receive an activation for that.

I was instructed to also include the mandala without any writing. This mandala can be used as a focal point for meditation or as a gateway.

To use the activation close your eyes. Take three inhalations and exhalations. Gently open your eyes and allow them to scan over the writing. Donโ€™t try to analyse or translate. Just be like a sponge and allow the activation to move and do what it needs to do. Then switch to the mandala without writing and simply stare into the centre.

#lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #archangelariel #extraterrestrials #angels #angelicbeings #etcommunication #angeliccommunication #higherguidance #higherconsciousness