The journey of the Remote Healing Chart started in 2009 when one of my regular clients was abroad and urgently needed a Crystal Healing session. Up until that point, my experience with Remote Crystal Healing involved utilising crystal grids exclusively. However, for this particular case, a different approach was necessary.
Learn more about the various chart options that are available.
I requested a full body photograph from the client and had it printed in A3 size. Using some of my smaller crystals, gemstones, and minerals, I conducted the remote session via Skype. To my delight, it was a tremendous success, and the client even accurately identified the colours of the stones as I placed them during the session.

Following this positive experience, I decided to further explore this method with a few of my friends who resided overseas. Eventually, I came to realise that in order to more efficiently provide remote sessions to my clients, I needed a more versatile solution — It’s not always feasible to rush to the printshop to get an A3 photograph printed. This led me to develop a generic chart, affectionately named Bob, that could be used with all my clients.

Over the course of time, I have continuously improved and broadened the chart, but the period from 2019 to 2020 provided me with the chance to thoroughly examine workflows and procedures. Prior to the “plandemic,” my healing practice in Cape Town was thriving and highly successful. However, due to the prolonged lockdowns and strict restrictions on movement, I had no choice but to close my physical practice and transition my work to an online platform. In a way, I am appreciative of this opportunity as it allows me to cater to a global clientele instead of just a local one.

Now, my work has completely transformed into being predominantly online, offline, and remote. With the aid of the Remote Healing Chart and various healing modalities at my disposal, I am able to serve clients from all around the world, rather than just the local area of Cape Town.

And now, I am excited to make Bob available to the global audience. The chart can be purchased online through Pixels. For individuals in South Africa who wish to acquire a chart, they can directly contact me as I have local printing options available.

Learn more about the various chart options that are available.