An apacheta was built on Signal Hill in Cape Town, South Africa. The apacheta is an anchor point or acupuncture point to mama Gaia. The apacheta energetically connects to all Pachakuti Mesa Tradition (PMT) altar grounds all over the world as well as to all apachetas built in a similar way. This apacheta also contains stones from sacred sites in Peru as well as a connection to Versailles.

STONES FROM SACRED SITES IN PERU ••• Viracocha Temple ••• Inak Uyu Temple ••• Temple of the Moon ••• Temple of the Sun ••• Sillustani ••• Lake Titikaka ••• Temple of the Wind ••• Temple of the Condor ••• Machu Picchu ••• Aramu Muru Doorway
This Light Language activation downloads specific frequencies for each of the seven chakras. The higher frequencies are drawn into the causal body and into the etheric blueprint. A union is formed between the divine Masculine and the Feminine, allowing us to be fully present and connected in the NOW. Finally it is all anchored in a strong foundation while keeping you connected to the highest frequencies. This activation will allow you to tap into the healing frequencies of the apacheta built on Signal Hill in Cape Town, South Africa and also to the sacred sites in Peru and Versailles.
To use the activation: Close you eyes. Take a few slow, deep breaths. Relax. Gently open your eyes and allow you eyes to scan over the text. Don’t try to make sense of the words. Don’t try to interpret or translate the words. Just allow yourself to soak up the experience… be like a sponge. If you hear sounds or words, you may wish to replicate them. If you receive a translation, make note of it. If you seemingly experience nothing that is also OK.

#lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #lightlanguagetransmission #keylonticscience #keylontics #apacheta #sacredsite #powersite #capetown #southafrica #mamagaia #pachakutimesatradition #pmt #mesa #peru #versailles #viracochatemple #inakuyutemple #islandofthemoon #templeofthesun #Islandofthesun #sillustani #islandoftequile #laketitikaka #templeofthewind #ollantaytambo #templeofthecondor #machupicchu